Expanding Human Capability

There are many different threads I have been exploring lately which I see converging into one comprehensive, coherent path—a path that will create for all of us more empowered lives and a healthier, more conscious world.

The basic idea is that humans have abilities which we have largely not tapped into—not in presently-known history, anyway. If we became aware of and then made use of these abilities, this would radically change our ideas about who we are—and, in turn, drastically change how we live our lives.

There are a number of strong reasons for believing in this particular path of growth that lies ahead of us. In particular there is evidence that challenges the mainstream view of human history and there is the work of Wim Hof, the “Iceman.” There are also psychic phenomena, ancient religions (“paganism” in general, along with the Gnostics), psychedelic drugs (see note at the top of this section), and more mundane human capabilities, which include intellectual and physical (including athletic) feats that have been accomplished and which people continue to push the limits of throughout time.

Combine all of this with spirituality, which includes consciousness, the nature of reality, metaphysics, soul-level purpose, and general personal development, and you get the complete path humanity is now embarking on. This path will ultimately result in the creation of a more intelligent world.


Rewriting History

He who controls the past, controls the present. He who controls the present, controls the future.

Time is not linear. The past is ever-changing, the future has already arrived, and the present is yet to be.

History as it has been sold to us in schools and in mainstream media is incomplete. We’re fairly on-key in regards to the last 6000 years, but sorely inaccurate when it comes to prehistory (i.e. time which we have found no written records from).

It has been said that ancient Sumer, in what is now Iraq, was one of the first human civilizations to exist, “civilization” meaning the people built stable towns with permanent structures and engaged in agriculture, among other things (such as writing).

However, the mainstream story has overlooked a great deal of information that suggests that there was civilization prior to ancient Sumer. It’s not all their fault, though: one could see how they would miss this information. Allow me to explain.

Not so long ago, a major, global cataclysm occurred that wiped out the majority of humans living on our planet at the time. This happened approximately 12,800 years ago, in 10,800 B.C. What happened is that a comet hit the ice-caps (a 2-mile high glacier) which covered all of Canada and the northern part of the U.S. As a result much of the ice melted. Because there was so much ice a tremendous amount of water was created: this water not only spilled across the land, but it also poured into the surrounding oceans and drastically raised the sea level. This water not only created floods and submerged landmasses which haven’t been seen since—it also altered the circulation of ocean-water, which influences the temperature of the ocean.  The ultimate effect was that this event initiated the climatic period known as the Younger Dryas, which is the last Ice Age. The Younger Dryas came to an end 11,600 years ago, in 9,600 B.C.

In recent years, archaeological sites have been discovered which have been verified to be 10,000 years or older. For instance, there is a site called Gobekli Tepe, located in what is today Turkey. According to archaeological evidence, work began on Gobekli Tepe approximately 12,000 years ago. The site consists of large stone pillars that have carvings on them.

There is one pillar in particular, known as Pillar 43, which contains several images (different kinds of birds and a scorpion) that are organized in a particular way. Because of the way the pillar is aligned in relation to the sky, it has been suggested that the images on the pillar represent certain constellations. Specifically, this pillar is thought to represent the time period during which the sun is aligned with the dark rift, which is the center of the Milky Way galaxy: when this occurs, the sun is between the constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpio (the image on the pillar that represents Sagittarius is actually a vulture holding a sun). This can be seen each year, during the proper time period, on the December solstice. Interestingly, this happens to be the state of the sky now: it has been since 1960, and will be until 2040. In other words, that proper time period is now.

The apparent positions of the stars (as viewed from Earth), in relation to the sun, slowly shift over time. This phenomenon is known as precession: one precessional cycle, also known as a “Great Year,” takes 25,920 years. This means that after 2040, the sun won’t align with the dark rift again for another 25,920 years.

Were the stone-carvers at Gobekli Tepe trying to send a message to or about our current time period, via pillar 43? If so, what is that message? What are they trying to tell us? If nothing else, they've demonstrated to us their understanding of astronomy-- an understanding that obviously requires thousands of years of observations to develop (how else would they know about a cycle that lasts 25,920 years?).

The current mainstream explanation for Gobekli Tepe, which was discovered in the 1990s, is that the people living there were hunter-gatherers; and, they not only magically figured out how to move stones that weighed thousands of pounds, but they also became master builders, stone-carvers, agriculturalists, and astronomers—all overnight. Hm…

Another site unearthed in recent years is Gunung Padang in Indonesia—specifically, on the island of Java. Gunung Padang is actually thought to be 20,000 years old—far older than even Gobekli Tepe. Again, it defies the mainstream account of human history because it has been claimed that civilization did not exist prior to approximately 4,000 B.C. But how can you credit the manipulation of massive stones to hunter-gatherers? Even if they were hunter-gatherers, could it be that the humans of pre-history were capable of far more than we have given them credit for?

That’s not all. There is a site in Baalbek, in Lebanon, which contains three large stone blocks known as “The Trilithon.” The blocks of the Trilithon each weigh around 800 tons. Did you read that? 800 tons. That’s over 1 million pounds. Mainstream archaeologists have credited all of the work at Baalbek to the ancient Romans, who indeed constructed the Temples of Venus, Jupiter, and Bacchus which remain there today.

However, all the stones at Baalbek were not laid down at the same time: these Roman temples were constructed on top of other structures which are much older. This includes the Trilithon: though the Romans were capable of much, it is unlikely that they could have moved and cut 800-ton stone blocks. The Trilithon and their related stones (i.e. not the ones placed by the Romans) at Baalbek are thought to have been placed roughly 12,000 years ago, though they may be much older.

Even the age of well-known sites has been brought into question. In particular, if the ancient Romans weren’t capable of moving the Trilithon (though people attempt to claim they were), how on Earth could the ancient Egyptians, who came before them, have been capable of building the Great Pyramid at Giza and the Sphinx?

The mainstream story is that it took decades and tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of workers, who made use of rollers to move the stones. Not only is that hard to believe—it has now been suggested that the foundation of the Great Pyramid was laid sometime around 10,000 B.C., and it was finished around 2500 B.C. (which is the date that the mainstream claims the whole pyramid was built).

The Sphinx is likewise thought to be 10,000+ years old. A particular reason for this is that the Sphinx shows signs of drastic water erosion. Egypt, of course, is a desert—but it wasn’t always. During the time that the mainstream claims the civilization of ancient Egypt existed, the landscape was still a desert. However, up until 5000 years ago there were indeed heavy rains in the area—even the Sahara Desert wasn’t a desert just yet. As such, for the Sphinx to have been afflicted by water erosion, it must have existed at least 5000-7000 years ago—well before the ancient Egyptians are supposed to have become civilized. There is other evidence for the Sphinx’s old age as well, including its astronomical relevancies (which I will spare explanation of here).

There is more evidence still, which is found among the world’s megalithic (massive-stone) sites, myths, and art, among which there are many similarities. Astronomical and geometrical references are found in these sites and stories, too.

In particular, ancient myths around the world speak not only of major flooding (in reference to the cataclysm that began the Younger Dryas), but also of “Watchers,” “Sages,” or other god-like figures who brought civilization to their culture, particularly during difficult times (again, a reference to the Younger Dryas, 9,600-10,800 years ago). The Incas and Aztecs, for example, depict their civilizing-figures as pale-skinned, bearded men (Viracocha and Quetzalcoatl, respectively), although they themselves were darker-skinned and tended to be lacking in facial hair. The cultures of Baalbek spoke of “Watchers,” and the ancient Sumerians spoke of “Sages” (the Akpallu, in their language, who were headed by a figure named Oannes).

On stone carvings in Sumer, Mexico, and Gobekli Tepe, there are men holding similar-looking bags; likewise, in Egypt and Lebanon there are men holding some sort of stone in similar positions. Likewise there are stone statues in Gunung Padang, Easter Island, and the Andes which all place their hands over their waists in an identical fashion to one another.

Ancient myths have interesting things to say about the stones, too. The Mayans claimed that one of their temples was built in a single night. Other myths speak of stones coming down from a mountain on cue, and then arranging themselves as directed. Still others talk of groups of priests singing a particular stone and thus causing stones to levitate.

Similarly, there are various megalithic structures around the world in which the stones fit perfectly together, as though they are the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. It’s been considered that the stones were softened before they were placed together. It’s possible that this was achieved by superheating the stones, but other methods presently unknown to us are possible as well.

Again, we must consider that these monuments are considered to be thousands of years old, in a time when the Earth was inhabited largely by hunter-gatherers and those who were civilized (if there were any civilized people) were far less technologically advanced than we are today. We see no evidence of ancient construction vehicles (like those we have today, such as cranes) nor of roads for the vehicles to drive on.

Finally, it’s worth pointing out that the ancient Egyptians themselves claimed that their civilization existed for at least 30,000 years. There is a structure on which the pharaoh Rameses II is depicted along with his father, who tells him of all the pharaohs who existed before them and when. This list goes back to well before 5,000 B.C., though it seems that archaeologists have basically disregarded this information.

The overarching questions are, How on Earth did they do this? Who did this? When did they do this? Why are so many myths, pieces of art, and stone structures around the world so similar? Why were some of these creations completed around similar time periods? Not only that, but why is it apparent that so many of them were created long before the supposed beginning of ancient civilizations? And why is there such an emphasis on astronomy and geometry (the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx have certain astronomical alignments, as does the aforementioned Pillar 43 at Gobekli Tepe. There are many ancient myths that make reference to precession, too)?

Is it possible that we are dealing here with a lost civilization, which saw its homeland wrecked and many of its people lost during the cataclysm that occurred 10,800 years ago? Many of the world’s myths speak of a small number of people who managed to survive the flood (take the story of Noah’s Ark and the Epic of Gilgamesh, for example). What if these survivors were indeed the “Watchers,” “Sages,” and god-like figures who made their way to hunter-gatherer cultures and not only brought civilization to them, but also were responsible for the construction of all these megalithic structures? What if these great civilizers had many thousands of years to develop their skills prior to the destruction of their homeland during the Younger Dryas? What if the incorporation of astronomical details into these stone structures and into ancient myths were meant to convey when these things were created?

Not only that, but what if these Watchers and Sages possessed capabilities which we are currently unaware of in ourselves? Might they have been capable of some sort of psychokinesis? If not, how else could they have moved and manipulated these massive stone blocks—and in what seems to be a relatively short amount of time? Might they have had very different types of technology than we do today—technology which we’ve yet to find evidence of? Or did they simply know things about themselves that we don’t know about ourselves?

However the ancient peoples of Earth did go about creating the megalithic structures they left behind, one thing is clear: they knew something that we presently do not know. This information has the potential to totally overthrow our ideas about what is possible.

In other words, we are a species with amnesia. We have forgotten about the people who came before us and what we are really capable of. To recover our memories of these things will ultimately be to remember who we really are.

Consider that perhaps we don’t know who we really are.

(I’m not doing defensive, objectively-pleasing writing here, so I’m not going to provide citations for every sentence like I would if I was writing a research paper. This is a personal development blog—not a book or an academic article, much less a history website. All of the above information and much, much more evidence can be found in Graham Hancock’s books Fingerprints of the Gods and Magicians of the Gods)


Then Comes the Iceman

Humans are now finding that we are indeed capable of far more than we previously imagined. Consider that we are now beginning to recover the truth about who we really are.

A man named Wim Hof, known as the “Iceman,” has demonstrated himself to be capable of extraordinary physical feats. These include climbing the first 26,000 feet of Mt. Everest with no oxygen and no clothes save a pair of ice-climbing shoes and a pair of shorts; swimming in freezing cold water; altering the oxygen levels in his blood at will; eliminating infections in his body; running a half-marathon barefoot in cold temperatures; and running a full marathon barefoot in the desert without food or water.

What’s truly incredible isn’t just that Wim can do all of this, however. Wim isn’t a freak of nature. He has opened up others to these capabilities, too.

Wim has taken people on treks to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro—and he has them, like himself, wear nothing but shorts (and a sports bra, if they’re women). What’s more is that many of these people have no prior mountaineering experience, nor any experience with extreme cold-exposure, prior to working with Wim. One man who summited Kilimanjaro with Wim was over 70 years old.

To top it all off, Wim has been working with research institutes to give linear organization to these phenomena, observe their biological underpinnings, and enable all of it to be objectively proven. According to Wim, some of the research that has been conducted on him and on people he has trained has been included in recently-written science textbooks.

In one study, Wim had himself injected with infectious bacteria (E. coli). He was able to eliminate the bacteria within 15 minutes, whereas the infection normally takes 5-7 days to pass (if it does). He then trained a group of people in a matter of 4 days to replicate his result—which they did.

Wim attributes all of his feats to breathing consciously and very deeply, in a particular fashion (which entails inhaling as deeply as possible, and exhaling not quite all the way). Wim is reluctant to make claims about his methods that aren’t yet backed scientifically, though he has received many testimonials from people who claim that using his breathing methods have helped them to overcome various illnesses, which include clinical depression.

Wim has made it very clear that his goal is to help people be “healthy, strong, and happy.” Perhaps this is, indeed, who we really are—in spite of all the times we have imagined ourselves to be otherwise.


Similar Superhumans

It’s worth acknowledging other people who, like Wim Hof, have accomplished astounding physical feats. There have been people who claimed they haven’t eaten in years; others, who haven’t slept. Cliff Young went 5 days without sleep when he ran 544 miles from Sydney to Melbourne. In following years, others took after him.

People have gone for 1000 mile runs (Yiannis Kouros did it in 10 days). David Blaine held his breath underwater for 17 minutes (and he did it on live television!). People have swum across the English Channel. People have consumed rat poison on purpose and lived to tell about it.

People have lifted cars in order to save others who became trapped underneath them. The general claim they make is that they did it without thinking—they just knew that they had to get the car off of the other person.

Take a look at the more mundane, too. World records are continually broken as time goes on. People keep climbing Mt. Everest, which is 32,000 feet high and so-very lacking in oxygen at the top. Likewise, more and more people are finding themselves capable of running distances of 50-100+ miles (myself included: I completed a 62 mile run at the age of 18). I’d go out on a limb and say that running distances of this caliber is becoming unextraordinary—that is, awesome, but not unusual.

Let us acknowledge our intellectual feats, as well. Look at the piece of computing technology you are now staring into: it is so incredibly complex and powerful—and yet, in a matter of decades, we created and then refined it to produce the machine that it is today. We’ve created machines that can transport us all around the world—some across the land, some across the water, and others across the sky. Because of the Internet and even telephones, people all around the world can communicate with one another instantaneously. We have artificial lighting. We’ve even created an underground system of tunnels which exists solely for the purposes of transporting our bodily wastes. My, my.

Einstein came up with the theory of general relativity, which undoubtedly required the full use and focus of the mind. Since Einstein, we’ve theorized about quantum physics (which demands quite a lot of further work, by the way). We’ve become aware of the existence of organisms that we cannot see with normal vision. We can observe entities in outer space that exist thousands of years away. We can transport ourselves to the moon and back-- and we've built robots that can go even farther.

Take a look around you at all of the incredibly complicated technology and structures we have created. If we can do all of this alongside our physical and athletic achievements, who’s to say what we are truly capable of?


Getting Magical

Psychic Phenomena

There is potential and capability to be found in the esoteric, somewhat fringe, non-technological aspects of our world, too. In general, we can refer to the following as spiritual pursuits.

To start, there are psychic phenomena. One of the essential components of psychic phenomena is what people refer to as contact with the other side. When people make use of their psychic abilities, they communicate with other-worldly beings (spirit guides, angels, gods and goddesses, potentially other entities) who provide them with specific information. This is the source of the information that is expressed in psychic readings.

In communicating with the other side, the channels of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and claircognizance may be utilized. Clairvoyance is the ability to see beings from the other side, clairaudience is the ability to hear them (i.e. their words), and claircognizance is the ability to instantly know something (which presumably has been communicated from the other side).

Not all information that is psychically-divined necessarily comes from the other side. Instant knowing can occur independently of communication with spirits: this phenomenon is known as insight or intuition. Through telepathy, people can pick up on one another’s thoughts. Through psychometry a person can hold an object in his hand and become aware of information about the person who owns the object.

Psychic information can pertain to the future, even foreseeing what will happen if certain decisions are made. These psychically-based future predictions are sometimes called premonitions.

In addition to picking up information not normally available to the five basic senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch), psychic abilities also entail lucid dreaming (being aware that oneself is in a dream, and even consciously affecting that dream) and out-of-body travel, known as astral projection.

Finally, people have also made use of psychic ability to physically heal themselves and other people. This is generally called energy-healing. One form that energy-healing takes is known as Reiki. Similarly, Shamanism might be regarded as a comprehensive set of psychic healing modalities.

In truth, psychic phenomena are a great deal more detailed and in-depth than I have presented them. Indeed, the psychic world stands as a world of its own.


Ancient Religions and Religious Figures

Ancient religions are another spiritual pursuit that hold promise for expanding presently-known human capability.

It was mentioned earlier that ancient myths speak of people who brought knowledge of civilization (i.e. the “Sages” and “Watchers”). Though they’ve been regarded as mere myths, it’s becoming evident that these myths actually held truthful messages in them, including the cataclysm that began the last Ice Age. Might other myths and, similarly, religions, speak not-yet-understood truths to us, too?

The Incas stated that their great civilizer, Viracocha, left Peru for Ecuador by “walking on water.” There are a multitude of references in ancient Hindu texts to the gods either flying or making use of “flying vehicles.”

Occult religious traditions, such as Wicca and the Druids, include magic and casting spells as an aspect of their religions. This magic isn’t like what we see in role-playing video games today—it isn’t meant to cause people to instantly combust or grow wings or anything of that sort. Both the high and low magic of the past (which still survives today, unbeknownst to mainstream media) were methods of powerfully setting intentions, focusing the mind, and controlling and channeling energy. In addition, low magic (depending on the specific spell) made use of substances such as herbs which had the potential to be physically healing, as well as energetically empowering.

By the way, magic was practiced in the Catholic Church until around 1300 A.D. What’s labelled as “demonic” now was “holy” then.

Speaking of the Catholic church, it’s worth considering a few Biblical figures, too.

My intuition is that if Jesus Christ was a real person, the Biblical account of him isn’t terribly accurate. Whatever the case, the overall point made about Jesus is that he was of an incredibly high level of consciousness, which is marked by complete certainty in himself and in the divine. Jesus knew full well what he was capable of, and as such he could instantly do, by his own will, things people consider to be miraculous. This is what is meant by the term “Christ-consciousness”: it is a level of consciousness so high that it entails complete mastery over and certainty of oneself.

The specific miracles performed by Jesus, according to the Bible, include walking on water (like Viracocha!), reviving dead people (i.e. Lazarus), healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, going 40+ days without food (a thing other people have done), and rising from the dead himself. Similarly, Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea, enabling people to walk on the sea-floor as though it was normal dry land.

Jesus mentioned that if a person of Christ-consciousness willed to move a mountain, he could indeed do so. Is it possible that Jesus was not merely being poetic in his wording, but that he was actually speaking of our ancestors, who indeed did incredible things with massive stones (feats which are beyond our present understanding)? What if people really have moved mountains, and we’ve been blind to the fact?


Psychedelic Drugs

Note, 06/16/2020: While I am going to leave this section in, please note that I have not ever partaken in it aside from two mild attempts (via cannabis) and believe it is actually counter-productive to higher being. See Welcome to the Void for more details.

This isn’t a big one in itself, but it’s closely related to all of the other subjects here. In particular, psychedelic drugs are reportedly a method of communicating with spirits (a psychic ability), recovering from mental afflictions (such as drug addictions, interestingly), and engaging in self-reflection and ultimately raising consciousness and growing as a person.

It’s been hypothesized that psychedelic drugs played a crucial role in the mental, emotional, and spiritual development of early humankind (as they have done for the last several thousand years). Specifically, it is thought that the use of psychedelics is ultimately what differentiated us from other animals, as it opened up our imaginations, expanded our consciousness, bestowed us with self-awareness, and even enabled us to develop language.

In ancient art pieces (particularly cave art), images have been depicted which are reportedly similar to the sort seen in psychedelic visionary experiences. Not only this, but these images are found around the world, and are all quite similar to one another. Even psychedelic-users today who compare notes are finding themselves seeing similar images and meeting with similar spiritual entities. For example, among virtually all ayachuasca users there is familiarity with a spiritual entity called “Mother Ayahuasca,” who tends to appear as either a serpent, a jaguar, or a human woman. (This information about the relationship between ancient cave art and psychedelic drugs is chronicled in Graham Hancock’s book Supernatural)

Note that the most notable of the psychedelic drugs referred to here is DMT. Pure DMT is smoked; ayahuasca is a liquid form of DMT, which is consumed. Other psychedelics include psilocybin mushrooms, amanita muscaria, peyote cactus, MDMA, and LSD.

It has been considered that the tree of knowledge of good and evil, depicted in the Bible, was not actually an apple tree, but in fact a swanky, psychedelic tree, on which grew muscaria mushrooms. The reasoning behind this is that older versions of the Bible refer to the tree as containing a “red,” which in one of the older Biblical languages (likely either Aramic or Hebrew) can refer to a “mushroom” (indeed, muscaria mushrooms are big and red—like apples!).

Similarly, it has been thought that the “burning bush” Moses spoke to was an Acacia tree, which contains DMT; as such, burning the tree and inhaling the smoke could potentially lead one to get high on DMT and consequently have an intense psychedelic, psychic-like, and spiritual experience—the sort which could lead a person to hear the voice of God and speak back to him.


Metaphysics and Spiritual Law

Finally, we have the fundamentals of all of the above: consciousness, the nature of reality, conscious growth, raising and controlling energy, and the spiritual laws which govern our universe. This is the heart of personal development, and it gives purpose to the very pursuit of expanding human capability.

This is the thread which I am most familiar with. If you have read other articles on this blog, you know this is the general subject which I have focused on for the last two years.

There is much that could be said here—about becoming more self-aware and all-around intelligent, living in alignment with universal principles (truth, love, and power), creating reality consciously, raising our energy and channeling it effectively through ourselves and through the world, and about ourselves as spiritual beings having a human experience.

To keep things simple and to get to the point, I will quote myself from another article, Proper Use of the Mind. This article speaks to the subjective nature of reality and how we can make use of that to modify our beliefs and change our experience of life:

To decide to become more conscious is to challenge your dominant beliefs and to then enable both your mind to change its thoughts and your reality to change the experiences it serves up to you. Each time you undergo this process, you become that much more aware that you were always in charge of all of it—you just haven’t stepped into full responsibility for it.

As you steadily integrate this awareness into your normal state of being you become more conscious, and thus enable yourself to see more holes in your belief system and to then open yourself to changing those beliefs. Or, rather than be motivated by the sight of holes, you may instead open yourself to new experiences and beliefs simply out of desire. Whatever the case, you enter the same process of changing your beliefs about, and therefore your experience of, reality, and just as that process ends it begins once again. It can do no other, for the mind never stops, and life is a grand cycle which contains within it an infinite number of smaller cycles, which in themselves are microcosms of life.

Of course, you’ll only experience that if you believe it.


Empowering Ourselves, Healing the Earth, and Changing Our World

This is by no means a complete document of all these different fields and phenomena: this is meant to be a sufficient overview that considers what has been done, what is still possible, and how all of these relate to one another (for complete justice to be done, at least one book would have to be written).

What’s of particular importance here is winding all these threads together. Perhaps we all are familiar with one thread or another, but we have yet to consider that they all are related; and, when followed together can lead us to a single, powerful place.

One must wonder whether Wim Hof has removed a large brick in the wall that stands between us and our ancient ancestors. Perhaps he has brought humanity on the road to discovering what our ancestors knew, what they did, and who they were—all of which is undoubtedly far more than we have given them credit for thus far.

The journeys between revealing our ancestors and revealing ourselves are parallel. They are the same journey, in fact: the more we know about our ancestors, the more we will know about ourselves—and vice versa. Through both rewriting our history objectively and challenging ourselves subjectively, we will ultimately come to know who we really are—and, of course, who we have always been.

Expanding our capabilities and becoming aware of who we really are has all-encompassing implications. If the majority of people were to make use of their true capabilities we could completely change the structure of our world.

Additionally, it would be quite natural for us, indeed, to be closer to nature, and to live more harmoniously with the Earth. No longer would we allow ourselves to use technology which, in both its use and production, essentially rapes the Earth—nor would we desire to mindlessly distract ourselves with such technology (nor the things that technology produces, like cheap clothes and meat made en masse). In fact, we would find ourselves in need of far less technology than we use presently, because technology’s essential purpose is to increase our power. If we can increase our power simply by virtue of using the abilities natural to us, what, then, do we need technology for?

For that matter, why would we have to continue to live in a world where we're all so sorely dependent on gigantic organizations such as governments and mega-corporations to feel like we have enough? If we become personally empowered, then we can do away with this dependence and replace it with a world of intelligent people who are interdependent upon one another to creates lives that are holistically fulfilling and a world that is run smoothly.

My suspicion is that, no matter what happens, we will not do away with technology completely. However, in due time it is quite possible that we will find ourselves dropping forms of technology which we currently regard as vital to our survival, simply because we will see no need for the presence of such machinery in our lives. I explore this possibility in a novel, The Growth of Our World.

In particular I think the Internet will stick around, but I could see phones going away in favor of telepathy: because people already make use of telepathy, this could happen within a few years (i.e. less than a decade). Likewise, transportation technology (e.g. automobiles) may eventually be replaced by teleportation, or even the “flying vehicles” spoken of in ancient myths (whatever those may be).

Until then, it behooves us to not only develop our natural capabilities in as earnest an effort as we can make, but also to develop “greener” technology which does less damage to the Earth.

On that note, it’s worth mentioning that the pagan religions, such as Wicca, have a strong emphasis on connecting with nature, and seem to exude the message that we are our most powerful when we are harmonious with the Earth (indeed, ancient magic is based on working with the four elements—air, water, fire, and earth).

Whatever the true possibilities may be, the best thing you can do is to continue to become more conscious and intelligent. Explore and experiment with whatever path speaks to you. Open your mind. Follow your convictions. Live as your best self. Own and express what is true to you—whatever that may be.

Every little step you take forward is a step forward for all of us. An increase in your power (your true, personal power-- not power over others) is an increase in power for all of us. The sharing of a truth brings the entire collective entity that is humanity into greater alignment with truth. And, of course, to act with love is to bring love into the lives of everyone on Earth.


If I can sum up the above 5500+ words into one sentence, that sentence will be this: These things and more shall you do also.


By the way, please note that I wrote an article on ancient history, psychic phenomena, psychedelic drugs, spirits, religion, magic, technology, and the future without a single mention of aliens.  :)

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