Note: The original piece was historically dishonest and has therefore been watered down to its general points.
Darkworkers are people who are amoral. Their highest aim is to serve themselves and they will fulfill that aim by any means necessary. To them, the highest good consists solely of their own desires. This means that they will not hesitate to walk over other people in order to get to where they want to be.
Darkworkers, however, are quite powerful: think of certain world and business leaders, as well as celebrities (athletes, singers, actors), who might fit the title of “darkworker.” For humans, being powerful means about the same as being conscious. You must exercise self-control to get anything done. It’s tough to be powerful if you’re ruled by lifelong automatic patterns and cravings for cheesy fries.
The opposite of a darkworker is a lightworker. Lightworkers embrace the idea that love and service to others truly fulfills the highest good. Choosing to become either a darkworker or a lightworker is to polarize—that is, to choose to go to the extreme-end of one side of human intention. The two sides of human intention are fear and love.
While most people would agree that darkworkers are powerful, it can be difficult to accept that they are highly conscious. How can a person without conscience be called conscious?
For one thing, it’s possible that a darkworker is also a former-lightworker who very-consciously decided it was time to switch sides for one reason or another. These reasons can include feeling inauthentic or for the sake of good ol’ experience. However, such a person I suspect is very, very rare. So I’ll leave out that possibility for now.
It’ll be helpful to take a closer look, first, at what a darkworker is. Then we’ll be able to see the effects they have on human consciousness—and why they are worthy of being called conscious beings.
The Profile of the Darkworker
Darkworkers have a way of sucking the life out of people-- even ending lives, potentially. How can degrading the consciousness of others make you more conscious? Well, it depends where you currently are at.
If you live in a general state of fear, for instance, then acts of violence may give you the sense of having more control over your reality. This is especially so if such an act entails disarming someone who infringes on your well-being, such as a person who is threatening you.
Some form of action requires more consciousness than the paralysis of fear. This is why the fight-or-flight reaction occurs-- so that we can exert some control over ourselves. Of course, the fear-reaction much more often is one of inaction. This is why the adrenaline reaction is sometimes called fight, flight, or freeze. This is a more accurate model of how we work.
A darkworker, however, is master of the fear response. For him, fear is fuel. Perhaps he has conditioned himself to dive head first into his fear.
What’s the reason for undergoing such conditioning? Perhaps for the sake of experiment. Or maybe it occurred over a long period of time-- perhaps a lifetime filled with fears in need of defiance.
Now this doesn’t sound so bad, right? I love being able to take on my fears! Beats the heck out of sitting around scared doing nothing.
But that “lifetime filled with fear,” which is handled by outright fear-defiance-- that could be called “fear-based living.”
Now that doesn’t sound quite as hot. In fact, it sounds like it could potentially cause a lot of health issues. I imagine someone who is straight up riddled with fear and takes all sorts of action in an attempt to combat it, but regardless they are still ready to blow any minute.
Of course, action generally entails power, and power entails consciousness. If a guy wants to lose weight due to a fear of poor health or date a woman out of a fear of being alone, and he is fueled well by fear, then I’d expect to see him much smaller and with a woman by his side in a few months’ time.
Fabulous to get the results you want, ain’t it? Darkworkers live much higher quality lives than nonpolarized people, because they can secure more luxury and more achievement. I can’t say this path is invalid.
But a lot of people don’t work this way. For most people- myself included- fear is paralyzing most of the time. We’re more likely to freeze or flee rather than fight. Even if we do fight we may not fight well, nor for very long before we burn out.
You have to understand that this is a very small percent of the population I’m talking about right now. Darkworkers are not commonplace. The top 1% is only 1%.
It’s possible that most people don’t work this way simply because they choose not to, or are not even aware that they can polarize. That, or they choose not to decide at all.
However, I just can’t quite fathom that too many more people would be able to become darkworkers than there are currently. I don’t think many of us can or are meant to work this way. I foresee that humanity, reality, and consciousness are simply not headed in the direction of darkness. Not just darkness, anyway.
But is it so bad if a handful of people inject consciousness with darkness? That leads us to the vital question…
Debunking Darkwork
Are darkworkers enemies of consciousness?
Sure, like I said, they have a way of sucking the life out of people. Just go work for a company like Coca-Cola (or consume one of their products) and you’ll see what I mean. But can we really say that darkworkers are downright, dirty enemies?
No, I don’t think that’s true at all. Allow me to ‘splain.
Lightworkers don’t need darkworkers in order to purposefully exist. There is still plenty of evil, as well consciousness-raising to do, without darkworkers (so if all the darkworkers spontaneously disappear one day, don’t get your knickers in a knot about the world being saved). Remember that the mass of people are unpolarized, which means they are relatively lacking in power and awareness. Wiping out .5-1% of the population probably won’t change that too drastically.
To make things a little dirtier, let’s talk about the benefits of darkworkers. For one thing, you can argue that darkworkers give direction to people who would otherwise be lost. Many darkworkers are indeed leaders on some level.
I will
reiterate here that darkworkers are far more powerful than most people, and
this is because they have clear goals and a firmly decided-upon direction for
their lives.
Darkworkers are effective. For darkworkers, power over themselves
opens the door to power over others. The two intertwine for them: having power
over themselves- that is, defying their fears through action- can often require
that they overpower others, such as in the girlfriend example.
To make this easier to understand, lightworkers blend service to self and service to others, rather than control over them. For them, these are one and the same.
Yes, in those instances when you are not serving, you are arguably doing harm-- even if it isn’t outright or intentional. In each moment, you are either part of the problem of part of the solution. You are always either giving or taking.
So, one way darkworking affects the consciousness of other humans is by leadership. Other effects include calls to action, learning, self-reflection, and strengthened intentions in lightworkers and the non-polarized.
Note that lightwork and darkwork are always social forces, typically embodied in one supreme person.
Profile of the Masses: the Non-polarized
Everyone has love and fear within them. For all people, each intention comes from one place: either love, or fear. Darkworkers and lightworkers see relative uniformity of either fear or love among their intentions. The non-polarized use love and fear too, though they are sloppier and less effective than their polarized counterparts.
The non-polarized
and the polarized can look quite similar. There are easily-distinguishable
members of each polarity, and each of these lies at the extremes- they are truly polarized.
But then there are people like me who have just stepped up to the polarity plate and are not yet incredibly extraordinary, and who still get mixed up in the opposite pole a good deal of the time. For this reason I prefer to think of polarization as a process of moving toward either pure love or pure fear, and it is for the reason of my progress toward love and my intention to continue this progress that I consider myself polarized.
So, I may be an example of a polarized person who looks non-polarized. On the flipside there is what I like to call the angry do-gooder, who militantly rallies to the cause of what he knows not. It’s a “rebel without a cause.” He insists on peace yet is himself far from it. He bears hatred for all who oppose his saintly values. He has a misguided, fear-based ranting for love.
Now I will return to the central question of this piece: Are there enemies of consciousness at all? Might the non-polarized masses be, in fact, the great and large enemy?
darkworkers can and do shrink the consciousness of others, people can
ultimately bounce back and expand as a result of this contact with the
darkness. This is especially true for people with a high capacity and drive for
learning. Such people are likely to be lightworkers or those who decide to
align with Love as a result of a dark experience.
Because of their ability- their tendency, even- to spur consciousness in the non-polarized as well as lightworkers, darkworkers are not enemies of consciousness. Rather, they help to create champions of conscious growth.
What, then, of the non-polarized? Well, quite often they are the henchmen of both the polarized darkworker individuals and the dark social forces, even if they have sworn allegiance unknowingly. The biggest problem with the non-polarized is their decision, conscious or not, to live relatively unconsciously, being ruled by whatever external force comes their way to overwhelm them.
I realize that not all the non-polarized are of the same power level or consciousness-capacity, but a truly conscious person should not take long to polarize once they have “awakened”- even if they do not use these terms to make the commitment. Whether a darkworker is truly awake is another story that is not quite for this moment (see the conclusion).
The role of the non-polarized as henchmen indicates that they are the result of a darkworker using his power. Such henchmen are the containers of evil, and their darkworking-master fills the containers. If darkworkers are not enemies of consciousness, then the non-polarized, by extension, cannot be either.
That in itself could suffice to conclude that the non-polarized are not indeed enemies of consciousness-- and if darkworkers aren’t either, then no one is.
In every moment you are aligned with either fear or love-- even if the answer to this does indeed alternate with each passing of 60 seconds.
If you are aligned with love then you are expanding consciousness. If you are aligned with fear-- well, I have made the case for this being ultimately consciousness-elevating, even if it is immediately consciousness-damaging.
As time goes on it becomes more and more apparent to me that everything in my reality is conspiring for my success-- even if it does not at first appear so. This is a belief which Jack Canfield calls reverse paranoia, and I have found it to be life-transforming—a beautiful phenomenon to live with.
Of course, not everyone lives by this idea, so couldn’t they still have enemies? I simply do not think so. For starters, darkworkers are fueled by fear, so nothing objectively considered “bad” can really get in their way. They’ll just figure out how to control it.
We are left, then, with two possibilities: (1) the non-polarized having enemies in their darkworker-overlords, and (2) the non-polarized being enemies of themselves.
For possibility #1, the non-polarized submit themselves to external forces, even if they do not choose to do so consciously. From there, it is typically the work of either the fear-polarized or the love-polarized that changes their lives one way or the other.
Though I was not damaged at the hand of another person, for me transformation by fear was soon followed by transformation by love, and Love is where I remain today. I truly believe that without the predecessing fear I would have been unable to align very strongly with Love. I would not have a solid context in which to do so.
Yes, there have been many forces which I have perceived to be my enemies- even in the very recent past- but I realize now that I need not see them that way. No darkworker-overlord can be my enemy. We can only make enemies within ourselves.
That rules out possibility (1). How about (2)—the idea that I can be my own enemy?
Since I can become more conscious and take power over myself, I can be my own hero, too. I can rescue myself from my own fear. I can consciously contend with the darkness that lies within.
I can see this fending off of darkness as a battle with an enemy, or I can view it as a benign process of conscious growth. Thus, I attest that there are no enemies of consciousness. The key to seeing the world this way is a drive to learn and to grow. When we are committed to growth, we’ve no need for enemies. This commitment will set us free.
Fleeting Fear: The Downside to Darkworking
There is
one thing we must keep in mind about darkworkers, however-- particularly those
who are explicitly “evil.” That is this: Fear-based results are
fleeting. Once defeated by light such results simply vanish.
The Conclusion: Created by You
I know that some these ideas may boggle the mind a bit. Ultimately, if you truly want to understand these concepts, you must experience them for yourself. Experience is the stuff of learning and the stuff of life. Mere words can only reflect on and add to it.
For me, lightworking has been the frame for the path of realness. The abundance of learning, the rapid pace of growth, and the richness of experience I have enjoyed since deciding to polarize is far, far beyond anything I could have imagined when non-polarized. That polarization-decision was only a few months ago. I have merely scratched the surface of what is possible.
I understand that someday I may decide that the optimal way to further my progress is to switch poles and become a darkworker. From there I may then decide that darkworking is indeed the way to Real. Then I’ll probably have to write another book (heh heh).
While that premise intensifies my curiosity, I know it’s not where I need nor want to be right now. There’s no way I’ve gotten the maximum leverage out of Love yet. And of course, as my consciousness develops and my reality expands, so too does Love.
In a few years’ time Love will not be what we know it to be now. While it may not change fundamentally, it could very well look and feel totally different. As consciousness changes, so too do the concepts within it-- and one of the primary concepts (Love), no less.
I really can’t be sure because, again, it hasn’t been that long since I started out on this path. Yet already my experience, immediate understanding, and concept of Love have changed dramatically over time, and I am certain they will continue to do so.
Take your enemies and make them into your brethren-- your elevators of and within consciousness. No one can harm you except those who you allow to-- and that, ultimately, is always yourself.
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