Heavy Metals Detox: Overview and My First 30 Days

(Note: This article will make much more sense if you read Parasites, Toxins, and Gut Health first).

Today is day 31 of the heavy metals detoxification I’m undergoing, based on Alexander Bloom’s suggestions. I feel good about the process overall, but I also have done a lot of things incorrectly in the last month.

In this article I’m going to write about the mistakes I have made so far, to help keep other people from making those same mistakes. Mistakes in themselves are okay, but in detox they can be painful and even physically dangerous; so, it’s better to stay on the “right” road, if you can.

My mistakes have mainly risen from rushing through the process too fast, which has resulted in me doing things out of order. In bodily detoxification, going through the process in the right order is absolutely essential. Otherwise, you can make the situation worse for yourself.

The main reasons I’ve done things out of order are (1) frustration, and (2) buying things at separate times and not in the order they’re needed.


The Mistake-Train (and its crash)

My frustration began with having difficulty getting the salt-water flush to work, which is where I started the detox process on day 1. I tried it twice- two days in a row- and failed both times, with a bit of pain involved. I figured the salt-water flush just wouldn’t work for me, so I moved on to supplementing with magnesium oil and taking parasite-killing suppositories made from the oils of coconut and clove straight away, on day 5 (actually, if you care to know, on days 5 and 6 I administered clove oil using a syringe, which is called plugging. Since then I’ve been using suppositories instead, because they’re much easier to administer).

Then, I got frustrated with the suppositories, because I expected to see worms coming out of me, which other people have seen from themselves after taking suppositories (with certain oils, of course). In response to this I started making more powerful (i.e. higher dosage) clove suppositories, and then I started to make the exponentially more powerful garlic suppositories.

After a week of the suppositories not working I figured that it probably was essential to do the salt-water flush for the rest of the detox to work. So I tried the salt-water flush again, and this time I got the result I wanted (i.e. a huge dump). Over the next several days I tried the salt-water flush again and again, as I wanted to get as much impacted fecal matter out of my body as I could. Only on one of those days was I successful. Out of 6 total attempts at the salt-water flush, I had two successes. During those days I also continued to take suppositories and magnesium oil, and I began to supplement with iodine.

The day after my last attempt with the flush (day 17 of the detox) I began the Wim Hof method. The day after that, I began to use apple cider vinegar.

Shortly after I started to use suppositories, I began to have pain in my lower back and sides—that is, the area where my kidneys are. Before I started the detox I suspected I had a kidney stone, and I read that apple cider vinegar could help to dissolve stones (if taken on an empty stomach. Apple cider vinegar also tends to produce a nice dump within 10-20 minutes of drinking it). So, 18 days into the detox, I began to use apple cider vinegar, and I have since done that a few times. I felt better after the first time I used it, but the pain still persisted.

At this point the kidney pain had been going for perhaps a week. The pain wasn’t always present, and it wasn’t sharp pain, but it was certainly worrisome. I was also sleeping quite a bit more than usual—8-10 hours a night or even more. I usually don’t like to sleep more than 7.5 hours, and when I’m healthy and disciplined in my sleep habits I prefer to sleep for 6 hours a night.

In addition to the pain and the extra sleep, I cut back on running—from the usual 10 hours per week to 6 hours per week (looks like the running and the sleep switched numbers!). I did this because I didn’t want to push my body too much—and, honestly, there were some days where I just didn’t have it in me to run (another thing that is atypical for me, as long as I’m healthy). In fact, on one day (day 26) I left for a run, and right from the start it felt difficult. The first half of the run I felt like I weighed 150 pounds (I’m 107), and it was hard to breathe. The heaviness left by the start of the second half of the run, but then I had chest pain, and overall it just felt easier to stand around and not run.

Not only that, but for the first several weeks of the detox I was incredibly angry—definitely unusual for me. That anger inspired me to write Spiritual Bypass. Sometimes the anger would subside for a few days, but then it would come back even stronger. This yo-yo’ing continued until things got really bad.

Things got “really” bad on day 20 of the detox. For the last few days I had been eating a bit less than usual, and I was trying to eat as little fruit as possible, since opportunistic organisms like candida feed on sugar, and one of the goals of this detox is to eliminate such organisms from my body (the only sugar I eat is in whole fruit). In maintaining my raw vegan diet, I decided I would try to eat quinoa raw. The first time I did this was on day 19, the night before. I only had a small amount of quinoa, and overall I felt okay. I actually felt pretty good after dinner, like I could have gone without sleeping that night. I figured it must have been from cutting back on the sugar. The next day I soaked a bigger batch of quinoa. Around noon the quinoa looked quite enticing, even though I usually don’t eat that early in the day. So I started eating. Something felt wrong to me about it, but I just want to eat my face off. Before I was able to finish all the quinoa, I felt like I had poisoned myself. So I crawled into bed and felt horrible the rest of the day. I managed to play Minesweeper and write a bit of an article, and that was about it.

Perhaps I’m just a noob of a raw foodist, but I have long had my doubts about seeds: they’ve never gone through me well. This is especially true when they’re whole, but even when they’re ground up or pureed I still don’t feel good about them. Whole seeds go right through me, flax meal feels “meh” to me, and sunflower seed butter and tahini are addicting to me. Anything that is addicting is simultaneously draining. If it wasn’t draining, the addiction would not be an issue—perhaps it would not even be an addiction. Instead, it would be healthy.

It makes sense that eating seeds feels like shit, because seeds aren’t meant to be eaten. They have been designed specifically to pass through the digestive systems of animals unscathed. What, then, is the point of eating them? Sure, they can be cooked and ground up, but that doesn’t suddenly make them nutritious.

Take the view that seeds, like us, are conscious beings: they have made it clear to us that they don’t want to be eaten. In that case, it makes sense to leave them alone. This little experience I had with quinoa (which is a seed, by the way—not a grain) simply confirmed the disenchantment I’ve had with seeds.

Anyway, through the apple cider vinegar and the quinoa, I continued to take suppositories for a week—usually 1 or 2 per day. Most of the suppositories I’ve used were made only of clove oil (and coconut oil, which is a relatively-benign delivery vehicle for the clove oil); many fewer have been made of garlic oil. This week ended on day 27 of the detox. It was one hell of a week.

On day 24 I began to take chlorella. Chlorella is a binder: this means it binds to toxins in the digestive tract (including mercury) and thus forces them to leave the body, via egestion (i.e. pooping). On this day, I did almost nothing else. I laid in bed all day, and when I wasn’t sleeping I had some of the darkest thoughts that I’ve had in years. I could have been 15-16 years old again, when I regularly had panic attacks and wished that my life would end.

That’s another thing worth mentioning: 2-3 weeks into the detox I began to have panic attacks every now and then. When I was 15 years old I had panic attacks almost every day for a few months, but for the last 4 and a half years they have been quite rare for me. Now, during the detox, I was suddenly having several a week.

There is a lot here that I don’t want to talk about, and that I shouldn’t. I’ll just tell you that the thoughts and feelings I had on this particular day were the darkest I’ve had since I was severely depressed a few years ago. I had no idea I was still capable of such darkness. Thankfully I just stayed in bed and didn’t take much action.

I reflected on this somewhat in Failure and Embarrassment, a podcast I recorded on Day 27 after lying drearily in bed for most of the day (again). Incidentally, I still managed to take a garlic suppository that day. That’s the last thing I should have done.

One more thing I’ll note is that since all this kidney pain started, tension-myositis syndrome (TMS) has been starting to flare up in me again, too. TMS is basically arbitrary pain that has no physical cause: though it sounds light and fluffy, TMS can be life-ruining if a person who has it isn’t aware of what exactly it is. This is something I’ve hardly had to deal with in the last year. Sometimes I’ll think I have kidney pain again, but when I question the pain it disappears—this means it’s just good ol’ TMS. At least it’s a benign condition to have.


Seeing the Truth

All of the pain and fear made the truth difficult to see, but in certain moments I knew that all of this exhaustion and darkness was coming from something that was physically wrong with me. It had to be, because prior to starting the detox my lows were not only less frequent than this, but they were far less low than this.

Nothing was nor is psychologically wrong with me. I haven’t taken a suppository in 4 days now. Right now, as I write, I feel fine. Before I sat down to write this article I sang for a while, and I ran for an hour and a half today, too. These things are normal for me, and when I am healthy I can do them naturally and with relative ease. But, as I recently experienced, when I’m not healthy these activities are incredibly difficult, and even life as a whole seems too hard at times.

I know now what the problem was. It’s actually an intricate web of problems, but the basic problem is that toxins could not leave my body. My difficulties with the salt-water flush certainly contributed to this, since the purpose of the flush is to make room in the small and large intestines for toxins to leave the body. But the main mistake is that I used parasite-killing suppositories before I started taking binders.

You see, in addition to the food we eat and the nutrients inside us (like minerals), the parasites in our bodies feed on the toxins within us. This means that, even though they ultimately are harmful to us, parasitic organisms are also helping us by reducing the toxic loads in our bodies (that is, until they poop inside us and ultimately die, and all the junk they’ve eaten goes right back into us).

As such, it is insensible to attempt to kill those parasites without also removing the toxins from your body. To do this would be to leave the body without a way to eliminate those toxins, since it currently is relying on the parasites to keep the toxins at bay. So, if you do attempt to do this, the body will resist those attempts.

Whenever I went to the bathroom after taking a suppository- even if it wasn’t until 8 hours later- a lot of the oil would come out of me totally clean, as if it hadn’t gone anywhere or touched anything. Perhaps my body didn’t allow it to, since it posed a danger to the sadly-helpful parasitic organisms.

(note, 2/7/2018: a little bit of oil comes out, the first time you go to the bathroom after taking a suppository, 100% of the time. You can mitigate this by making the suppositories as small as posible, but that's about it.)


Fixing the Problem

On day 28, I finally started to get my shit together.

I took day 28 as a rest day. I used magnesium oil and did one round of the Wim Hof Method. I also drank half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) with lemon juice and water: I’ve read that this can help to alkalize the body (because sodium bicarbonate is itself an alkaline substance) and help to drain toxins from the extra-cellular matrix (ECM), which is the substance between cells in the body. To read more on the ECM, I recommend this article by Dr. Chris Shade.

On day 29 I did the same thing, except I decided to also stop the Wim Hof Method for now.

Yesterday, on day 30, I took chlorella (orally, mixed with water) and applied magnesium oil to my skin. I had no physical pain. Today I’ve done the same two things, and so far am again without pain (just to let you in on a little secret, I did use coherent feeling to assist my recovery from my mistakes).

My plan is to do only this for about one week. After that point I will take a week to steadily re-introduce liquid iodine and the Wim Hof method. I also intend on purchasing a glutathione supplement: at this point I plan on buying reduced glutathione (rather than liposomal glutathione, mainly because it’s more expensive, I’m a twinge embarrassed to say) and taking it via suppository. The glutathione suppository is not meant to kill parasites, but instead it raises the body’s glutathione levels (which have a direct relationship to the body’s magnesium levels: the two rise and fall together). Apparently the sulfuric content of glutathione also results in a huge dump. There is a lot of pooping that gets done during detox.


Supplements: Which to take and Why

Liposomal glutathione is overall more potent than reduced glutathione. Reduced glutathione administered as a rectal suppository is more potent than reduced glutathione taken orally, whether that’s as a powder or capsule. Reduced glutathione taken orally is apparently almost totally ineffective because the body has difficulty absorbing it. So, the two options for taking glutathione are via liposome (which is held in between the cheek and the gums) and via suppository.

The reason to supplement with glutathione is that glutathione is essential to the detoxification process (for an in-depth explanation of this see Chris Shade’s detox webinar, a YouTube video. The audio is enough on its own, though the images are useful too). When the body is lacking in glutathione it has a more difficult time carrying out detoxification, and the detox process may slow down and, to an extent, stop.

The reason to supplement with magnesium is that when toxins are removed from the body, helpful substances (like minerals) go along with them. Unfortunately, binders like chlorella are non-discriminating, and whatever sticks to them goes out the door with them.

More prominently, many vitamins and minerals in the body (including glutathione) are depleted by a variety of factors, including the presence of toxins, opportunistic organisms that feed on them, and outright harm to the body, such as the taking of antibiotics (which kills helpful bacteria in the gut). On top of this, unwise farming practices over the years are depleting the Earth’s soil of its minerals: this means that food is sadly not as helpful as it could be in helping us to replenish our own nutrients.

Because bodily toxicity coincides with a compromised gut, oral supplements (and food) are absorbed poorly by the body. My feeling is that almost any supplement in the form of a pill or a capsule is a complete waste. This includes calcium pills, iron pills, and the silliest of supplements that is the multivitamin. You could open these capsules or crush up these pills into a powder and take them some other way, such as via suppository (just melt down coconut oil, mix in the powder, let the oil harden by putting it in the fridge, and voila). However, I still am not convinced that there is benefit to supplementing with calcium and iron directly, and I’m not interested in supplementing with vitamins right now, either. Calcium is better assisted by taking silica and Vitamin D3, but even then only in particular forms (note those links are to articles by Alex Bloom: it looks like he laid out all the information, but he didn’t organize it completely. It still feels right to me). This means vegetal silica or horsetail extract for silica, and food-state Vitamin D3. The kind of D3 you don’t want is calciferol synthetic D3, which is the stuff they sell at the Dollar Store.

The only true supplement I am taking orally is liquid iodine. I don’t know why iodine takes better to oral administration than other substances—go figure.

Apple cider vinegar, baking soda with lemon juice, the salt-water flush, and chlorella all have to be taken orally to be effective, but they aren’t vitamin or mineral supplements per se (though chlorella contains high levels of nucleic acids).

In addition to iodine, the only true supplement I’m taking is magnesium oil (which is applied to the skin), and I’m going to start glutathione via suppository soon. I’m also open to taking silica and vitamin D3, but they aren’t priorities right now. I feel the same about pre- and probiotics. That being said, I’ll gladly drink kombucha any time.

Finally, the only other high-priority, near-future substances on my list are Quicksilver Scientific’s Microsilica, a strong binder, and the R form of Alpha-Lipoic-Acid (R-ALA).

And this brings me to the next point.


The Right Order of the Detox Process

Through both reading and all of the mistake-making I have done, I believe I have figured out the correct order the detoxification process has to take place in.

The short version of the detox steps looks like this:

1. Remove outright exposure to toxins.

2. Actively cleanse the body, thus enabling extra-cellular matrix (ECM) drainage.

3. Take binders and supplements.

4. While continuing step 3, take parasite-killing suppositories.

5. Ramp up intra-cellular detoxification.


Now, allow me to ‘splain each step.

Step 1. Remove outright exposure to toxins.

If you have mercury amalgams, get them removed (safely). If there is mold growing in your house, remove the mold if you can; otherwise, get the heck out of there. Remember heavy metals and fungi are some of our biggest adversaries here.

If you eat, clean up your diet. The foods that interfere most with detoxification and health are processed foods (can you pick it from the ground or find it outside? If not, it’s a processed food), food additives (added flavors and colors, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, MSG), gluten (i.e. all wheat), pasteurized dairy products, fish (fish are notorious for having high mercury levels), sugar, refined salt (i.e. table salt; not whole, non-iodized sea salt), and animal products that contain added hormones and/or antibiotics (note that the “added hormones” were “added” when the animal was still alive). It’s also worth noting that corn and peanuts are at decent risk for containing mycotoxins (in peanuts, it’s aflatoxin), and I just don’t see the point of eating yeast.

I know—that list is long. The simple reality is that the Standard American Diet (SAD) isn’t healthy. At all.

I know, you think that if you deviate at all from the SAD you will never be able to find food to eat and you’ll starve and you’ll die. But I can tell you first-hand that life on the other side of the SAD is much healthier and happier—exponentially so.

If you think eating healthier has to be complicated and expensive, then just eat lots of brown rice, beans or lentils, bananas, and spinach. Throw in an avocado a day to get some fat into you, and you’re good. If you can, add broccoli and watermelon or pears, too. You don’t have to be picky about any of these foods, and you don’t have to get them organic to feel OK about them (the reason I chose watermelon and pears instead of apples, oranges, or grapes is that you do have to be picky about those three). You can pretty much buy them blindly and get away with it (unless you want optimum health, of course). If foods like those are the staples of your diet, you’ll be good to go for detox.

I’ll make one concession: you’re probably better off eating cooked quinoa, millet, or amaranth instead of brown rice, in spite of what I said about seeds earlier. This is because brown rice somehow often contains traces of gluten. I have found both quinoa and millet for as cheap as $2.00/pound, whereas the cheapest brown rice I know of is $1.40/pound. If that’s not a huge difference for you, leave the rice at the store. Alternatively, you can try sweet potatoes, too.

I’m not making these particular suggestions just because of my vegan-bias, either: high-quality animal products tend to be considerably more expensive than the above foods, and they are more difficult to find, too. As far as supermarkets go, it’s easier to be vegan.

Anyway, if you drink water, drink clean water. This translates to: don’t drink water that will kill you outright (like if it contains giardia) or if it is municipal tap water. Unless you want to drink fluoride, poop, parasite eggs, birth control pills, and anti-depressants, pass on the tap water.

The best alternative to tap water is spring water. Fresh fruit and coconut water can hydrate you just as well as water can, too, if not better.

If you do not complete step one, there is no point in taking the other four steps. Cleaning up your diet can be a steady, life-long process, but you’d do well to lay off the pizza, cake, and beer before making serious detox efforts. If you have mercury amalgams in your teeth, on the other hand, you must remove those before attempting to detoxify your body.

Step 2. Actively cleanse the body, thus enabling extra-cellular matrix (ECM) drainage.

The most effective measure you can take here is the salt-water flush. The salt-water flush removes fecal matter that has long been stuck in your body (yes, we all have this). You can also use (not simultaneously, though on separate days) apple cider vinegar and baking soda with lemon juice (and water) to alkalize the body, stimulate bowel movements, and perhaps take other effects which I am as-yet unaware of.


Fasting is also appropriate during step 2. Certain bodily repair and detoxification mechanisms can get activated only (or at least, more easily during) a fast. When done intelligently, fasting is healthy because it temporarily reduces the toxic load on your body (i.e. which comes from food) and frees up energy that is normally dedicated to digestion. The reduction in toxic load combined with the freedom from digestion means the body can focus on healing itself.

Various forms of fasting include dry fasts, water fasts, juice feasts and fasts, and intermittent fasts.

I like to periodically (i.e. roughly once a month) do a dry fast that is 24-40 hours long. This means that I do not eat or drink anything during this time. Normally I don’t exercise during a dry fast, though I once ran for 90 minutes during one (and went to class, on top of it—just like any normal day).

I engage in intermittent fasting virtually all the time. Most days I go at least 15 hours without eating (unless you count the chlorella I had earlier, I’m about 19 hours in right now). Prior to beginning detox I would go as long without drinking, too.

Though I’ve emphasized my difficulties with detox in this article, fasting has actually become much easier for me in the last 30 days. Several times I’ve gone 23 hours without eating without even planning to do so—it just kind of happened.

What I normally do is eat most, if not all of my food for the day in one large meal, and that’s the last thing I do each day—eat dinner. That is definitely helpful to going long periods of time without eating (I sleep through the first 7 hours of it!). If I do eat more than once in a day, I normally will only have fruit during the day. I don’t have any nuts, vegetables, or high-fat fruits (i.e. avocadoes, olives, coconuts) until dinner (and definitely not before I run). Typically the only time I don’t intermittently fast is on days when I run a race.

I like intermittent fasting because I can just go through my day without stopping to eat. I also am not hampered by the energy-drain that results from digestion. Plus, I typically find that eating makes me want to eat more, if not immediately then within a few hours. So my food cravings are also quieted during an intermittent fast period.

I haven’t experimented at all with extended water fasting, nor with juicing of any kind. However, I do know that Steve Pavlina has completed both a 17-day water fast and a 30-day juice feast, which you can read about here and here.

Please note that fasting is much, much easier the cleaner your diet is. If you eat addicting, unhealthy foods all day long, and you even get a headache if you go just a few hours without a meal, you’ll find fasting incredibly difficult.

My diet has continually improved over time, and fasting has also become easier for me over time. I feel that fasting is also like a skill, which gets easier with practice. I’ve been practicing fasting in some form for 5 and a half years, so I didn’t get to the point of easily fasting for a whole day overnight. When it comes to fasting, challenge yourself, but be careful. If you’re new to fasting, try to save your fast for a day when you’re home most of the day and don’t have to do much physical activity.

Also, forget all about anorexia. Some people who have never fasted before will think you’re going crazy and developing an eating disorder if they hear that you’re fasting. They might also tell you that you’re going to hurt yourself. Just remember that fasting is quite difficult at first, and it can seem nearly impossible to someone who has always eaten 3 square meals a day, every day, since time began.

I used to be anorexic, and I assure you that anorexia and fasting are NOT AT ALL the same thing. They do not even exist in the solar system. If someone tells you that fasting will somehow “turn you anorexic,” don’t even bother arguing.


At Stage 2 it is also helpful to eat fermented foods (like sauerkraut and kombucha) and take pre- and probiotics, as these help to replenish beneficial gut flora. My intention for myself is to eat fermented foods almost every day for about one month, and then to continue doing so at least 1-2 times per week indefinitely.

Though “take supplements” is listed in step 3, I would begin to use magnesium oil during step 2. Alex Bloom likewise suggests taking glutathione sooner rather than later, so go with your gut here (of course, you should always go with your gut). Just don’t take glutathione during step 1 if you have mercury amalgams in your teeth.

I know that overall I have made step 2 out to be rather behemoth. The minimum I’d recommend is to do the salt-water flush (successfully!) at least once, and a relatively short fast of your choosing. Even taking one day to eat nothing but fruit can make for an effective fast (depending on your current eating habits)—and you don’t have to go without food, either.

Step 3. Take binders and supplements.

I explained how binders work in the previous section, “Seeing the Truth.” Without a binder to stick to toxins can have difficulty leaving the body. Again, please see the work of Dr. Chris Shade for an in-depth explanation.

I’m starting with a weak binder, which is chlorella. In time (my ideal plan is roughly one month) I’m going to move up to a strong binder, Microsilica. Apparently 1 serving of microsilica is equivalent to 100 tablets of chlorella. The point of chlorella is basically to start the detox process slowly and safely. Of course, over time I’ll increase the dosage of chlorella, too, before moving on to microsilica.

The reason I listed “take supplements” under this step, rather than step 2, is that liquid iodine helps to move certain toxins out of the body, including fluoride. I want to make sure that those toxins are indeed moved out, rather than re-circulating through the body (which is what happened to me, and which is why I want to be cautious here). The way to insure that is to take iodine alongside chlorella.

Step 4. While continuing step 3, take parasite-killing suppositories.

Suppositories which kill parasites are administered rectally and contain certain therapeutic-grade essential oils. So far I have used the oils of clove and garlic (in separate suppositories—I haven’t combined them). Garlic oil is outdone only by BioPure’s 10-in-1 formula, which contains 10 different essential oils. The oils of onion, wormwood, and ginger are also useful.

I know now, from painful experience, that parasite-killing suppositories must be taken either after binders have been taken for quite a while, or in conjunction with binders (or both, which is what I plan to do from here on out).

Alex Bloom has written a lengthy, incredibly useful article on suppositories here.

Step 5. Ramp up intra-cellular detoxification.

This is the advanced stage of detoxification. At this point, R-ALA can be taken. Likewise, R-ALA should not be taken before this point. It is too powerful for that.

Chris Shade recommends other substances in addition to R-ALA that are helpful at this stage. These include polyphenolic antioxidants (e.g. green tea extract and pine bark extract), sulfuric compounds (e.g. allicin, from garlic), and Quicksilver Scientific’s Clear Way Cofactors. Dr. Shade says the goal at this stage of detox is to "upregulate intracellular expression of detox enzymes," such as Glutathione S-transferase (GST).

Step 5 is a ways ahead from where I am right now (probably around 2 months out, at least), but I’m quite certain that I will take R-ALA when I feel ready for it.


Moving Forward

Since I’ve recently begun taking chlorella, right now I’m on step 3. Within a week I’ll begin taking iodine and glutathione. As long as it goes well (I suspect it will), within two weeks I’ll begin taking parasite-killing suppositories again, and will thus begin step 4. Within several weeks to several months of beginning step 4, I’ll start to take IMD instead of chlorella. Around the time I run out of IMD (apparently 1 bottle tends to last a month), I’ll begin to take R-ALA.

If there are any major changes, I’ll make note of it. Other than that, I’ll let ya know how this goes. :)

Note, 2/7/2018: I will be writing a follow-up post to this one imminently. I just want to make known that I had an extremely bad experience with chlorella after 6 days of taking it and have not taken it again since.

End Notes

Note that all of the oral supplements and protocols I’ve written about above are meant to be taken on an empty stomach. This includes apple cider vinegar, baking soda with lemon juice, the salt-water flush, chlorella, and liposomal glutathione. I prefer to take liquid iodine on an empty stomach, too. Suppositories aren’t as subject to whether the body is digesting food, though I prefer to take suppositories with a clean GI tract.

Finally, please note that I am not in any way affiliated with any of the people, products, or protocols mentioned above. I’ve used things and read articles, but I don’t get money or promotions or pats on the back or anything like that for anything that I say. I definitely have not met these people. They just have useful information I’ve used and want to share.

Related Articles:

Heavy Metals Detox: The Basics